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Shana enjoys writing stories


And eating tater tots

She sometimes dresses in costumes


And is often quite ridiculous


Shana Graham is a Seattle and Miami-based writer, producer, coach, performer, and community builder. Her words have appeared or are forthcoming in publications including Cimarron Review, Witness, The Los Angeles Review, CRAFT, West Trade Review, Utne Reader, and others. She is anthologized in the 2023 Seattle Erotic Art Festival Literary Anthology. She’s won some prizes and received some fellowships and honors and other writerly things.

She’s currently at work on a memoir.

Shana also creates living stories in the form of large-scale events filled with music, madness, artistry, and general mayhem via Petting Zoo Productions.


And she helps her amazing clients uproot shame and conditioning and get the relationships, pleasure, and joy they desire at Shana Graham Coaching (Sexual Wellness & Relationship Coaching and Workshops).

When she’s not writing, you can find her running and jumping and whooping with her little dog Dov Bear (the only creature in the universe with more wild-energy than Shana), chowing on massive piles of tater tots, throwing down in wholesome, family-style lucha libre matches, dressing in capes and costumery, and otherwise being quite ridiculous.

She loves letters and love notes and spontaneous or strange findings, so reach out anytime!

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